Please pre-book your blood test appointment at Sir Robert Peel online

From 2 November, patients at Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital will have to pre-book their appointment before attending their blood test.
Patients who have had their blood test requested by UHDB clinicians can now book themselves in for an appointment online across all of our five hospitals – using the new Swiftqueue booking system.
The Sir Robert Peel phlebotomy clinic will become a booked service only from 2 November, however, and any patients who attend without having booked an appointment will not be able to be seen on the day.
We are unable to transport bloods from Sir Robert Peel to Derby, so this service is for Burton bloods only.
The change to make phlebotomy at Sir Robert Peel a pre-book service only follows on from the same switch being made for our Samuel Johnson service at the start of October.
Please also note that this service is only for patients who have had their bloods ordered by the Trust and not for patients referred by their GP.
All patients who attend blood clinics at Samuel Johnson or Sir Robert Peel will have been provided with a leaflet containing a link to Swiftqueue.
The Trust is currently looking at introducing a QR link onto the leaflets that patients will be able to scan using their phones to make it easier for them too access Swiftqueue.
Any patients who are unable to access a computer and who have no one who can do this for them will be assisted by the nursing staff in the clinic and will continue to be seen as a walk in until an alternative method of booking has been arranged.
Royal Derby Hospital, Queen’s Hospital Burton and London Road Community Hospital patients will be able to book their tests via the Swiftqueue website (opens in new window) >