Public planning trek to thank our Critical Care colleagues at Queen's Hospital Burton | Latest news

Public planning trek to thank our Critical Care colleagues at Queen's Hospital Burton

Ward 14 team picture

Grateful members of the public are planning a long trek to “give something back” to all of the amazing UHDB colleagues working in Intensive Care at Queen’s Hospital Burton.

The Trust tripled the size of Burton’s ITU in April, with staff on Ward 14 taking up new roles in Critical Care as part of this to help provide life-saving care to more patients throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ward 14 is usually a general surgical ward but the team have really gone the extra mile to work in a new way, with ITU staff providing colleagues with training and ongoing support to help them adapt to the different specialty.

This amazing effort hasn’t gone unnoticed, with friends and family of Ward 14 nurse Meghan Barker organising a 16 mile sponsored walk from Tamworth to Queen’s Hospital Burton next month as a way of thanking the new, expanded ITU team.

More than £1,000 has already been raised ahead of the walk on 6 June, with Elly Buckley, Senior Sister on Ward 14, admitting that lovely gestures like this “really do mean a lot” to her and her colleagues.

Elly said: “Moving to ITU was scary and was undoubtedly one of the biggest challenges a lot of my team have had in their careers but they have put those fears to one side and just got on with it for our patients. I’m so proud of them all that I could cry!

“We’re such a strong team and all of the redeployed staff, not just on my ward, have blown me away with their commitment. Everyone has worked together as a team and clubbed in to support each other. One of Meghan’s friends has arranged the walk to give something back to our team. It’s just amazing and little gestures like this really do mean a lot.”

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