QHB Emergency Department receptionist retires after 30 years in the NHS | Latest news

QHB Emergency Department receptionist retires after 30 years in the NHS

picture of June retiring

Friends and colleagues have paid tribute to their long-serving and well-known receptionist June Doughty as she retires after 31 years in the NHS.

The 68 year-old started her NHS career over three decades ago in 1989 and has spent the final eighteen years of her time at Queen’s Hospital Burton as one of our fantastic Emergency Department receptionists.

“She’s always on hand with a cup of tea for you, and most importantly, a biscuit!” said Emergency Department Matron, Alison Wadlow. “Everyone knows who she is and she will be greatly missed by the department.”

Friend and colleague, Bev Underhill, also a Receptionist in our Burton Emergency Department, arranged a special surprise for the end of June’s final night shift in the department.

As June left the Burton Emergency Department for one last time, colleagues and friends lined the entrance and clapped her out of the department, where she was also met by a bagpipe player and a guard of honour from some of her colleagues at West Midlands Ambulance Service.

Watch the heart-warming moment here:

June Doughty given fitting send off as she retires at QHB A&E from UHDB Communications on Vimeo.

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