Sally celebrated for helping around 100 vulnerable patients receive Covid-19 vaccinations

A behind the scenes member of #TeamUHDB has been celebrated for the vital role they played in ensuring clinically vulnerable patients were able to receive their Covid-19 vaccinations over the past two years.
Sally Maine, Service Manager for Outpatients, played a pivotal role in implementing a specialist vaccination clinic for patients who had been identified as being at risk of having an allergic reaction to the vaccination. This cohort of patients initially required dedicated support from clinical colleagues, including anaesthetists, but the service adapted as the vaccination programme developed.
Sally explained: "This clinic started back in 2021 and was really important for those who weren't eligible to be vaccinated in the community. As things progressed, clinics moved towards needing only clinical observation for a period following the administering of the vaccine.
"We've been able to support patients getting their first doses before going on a hiatus and then recommencing things when boosters were required."
Patients who were unable to be vaccinated outside of a hospital setting included those with an allergy or those with underlying health conditions, making it more important for them to receive the vaccination in order to keep them safe from potential Covid-19 infection.
As a result of this, Sally says that patients understandably felt anxious about attending but were very grateful for the service being offered to them.
She added: "Lots of patients wanted to know every last detail about what was involved and what was going on, which was totally understandable as they were really quite fearful. Afterwards, they were just so grateful and that was so rewarding to see."
In total, around 100 patients were able to access the service and receive their vaccination thanks to Sally and her colleagues. In appreciation of her dedication and compassion, Sally was chosen as the latest winner of our Excellent Employee Monthly Making a Difference Award.
Dr Gis Robinson, Deputy Medical Director, nominated Sally for the award and was on hand to present it to her in front of the rest of her team and personally thank her for helping to keep patients safe.
Gis said: "This clinic simply would not have happened if it wasn't for you. You even booked appointments whilst on annual leave, did all the co-ordination, and found us a suitable space to hold the clinic.
"You're the reason that lots of people who really needed it got their vaccination. I'm super grateful and I'm sure I'm not the only one either."
Upon being presented with her award, Sally added: "This was a big team effort, and it certainly wasn't just me - I just made sure these patients were able to get to their appointments.
"This is just what we do as part of the NHS - we all pull in where we need to and that is what makes it such a special place to work. On a daily basis, I work as part of a team of outpatient administrators who go the extra mile for their patients, and I am extremely proud to be part of that team."