Talented tattoo artist Adam raises more than £7,000 during two lockdowns | Latest news

Talented tattoo artist Adam raises more than £7,000 during two lockdowns

tattoo artist Adam

A tattoo artist has raised more than £7,000 for Derby and Burton Hospitals Charity over the course of the two national lockdowns this year.

Adam Foster decided during the first lockdown earlier in the year to put his artistic skills to use by creating portraits of family, friends, pets and more – and asking customers to donate the fee to the charity. During this period, Adam raised a staggering £5,210.

The idea gathered a lot of attention on social media, and Adam also created a stunning portrait of UHDB staff with Mr Amged El-Hawrani, Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon at UHDB who sadly passed away after contracting Covid-19 in March.

artist picture When restrictions lifted, Adam went back to work at Nomad Tattoo and Retail in Swadlincote, but again took up raising funds for his local Trust when a second lockdown came into force in November.

This time, he wanted specifically to raise money for a ‘dermascope’ lens for the Medical Photography department at Queen’s Hospital Burton as his mother-in-law, Sharon Mellor, works as a Clinical Photographer in the team.

The lens attaches to cameras to take high-resolution images which the Dermatology team will use to monitor moles and skin lesions.

Now, as restrictions ease, Adam has raised a further £2,030, bringing his grand total to £7,240.

Adam said: “It feels absolutely incredible to bring people together when times are hard and achieve something to aid others - we’ve potentially helped to save someone’s life.

“This year has been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions for many reasons, but to achieve this figure throughout the course of the lockdown periods, during a global pandemic, feels extra special.

“I’m very humbled for everyone’s support through the whole process. I do charity work every year but this has by far been the most I’ve ever raised. It’s a personal accomplishment that I’m super proud of.

“I’d like to dedicate this achievement to my Nanny who sadly passed away in August. She was overjoyed with seeing the progress of the fundraising in the first lockdown but she didn’t get to see the final result.”

Sharon, Adam’s mother-in-law, said: “I really am so proud of Adam, it’s such a wonderful gesture. I’ve had melanoma myself so it’s something that feels very close to home.”

Tim Diggle, Charity Operations Director for Derby and Burton Hospitals Charity, described Adams fundraising as "wonderful".

He said: "Adam’s idea to use his fantastic artistic skills to raise money for his local NHS shows he’s given the situation a great deal of thought and shown wonderful ingenuity.

"We have been humbled by the level of support we have been receiving over the past few months. It has been brilliant to watch Adam on his fundraising journey over the two lockdowns and see such amazing works of art and happiness come from such a stressful situation. At times like this, his pictures provide a moment of stillness and reflection in difficult times.

“On behalf of everyone at the Trust, we would like to say thank to Adam for all of his continued kindness and support."

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