The Patient Publications Service is 25 years old!! | Latest news

The Patient Publications Service is 25 years old!!

patient publications team

This staff service produces high quality written information for patients. There are currently over 2,000 publications in circulation across the Trust. Patient information helps patients make decisions about their care and treatment, and supports the verbal information given by healthcare professionals.

The service aims to ensure all patient information is of a consistently high standard. This is achieved by adhering to quality standards for content and design. Each publication has a unique code and when it is amended, a new version is created. Versions are catalogued to meet the Trust’s legal requirements. The service upholds criteria regarding procedural publications detailing the benefits, risks and alternatives to treatment.

The service was set up on 2 October 1995, co-ordinated by Helen Reed at the DRI (LRCH). It was at the forefront of patient information production, with a centralised budget and co-ordination. The Trust was represented at the developing National Patient Information Forum and won two national awards in 1997. The service organised and hosted the first UK national Patient Information conference in 1998. Emma Fletcher joined the service in 2001. Helen and Emma still deliver the service today. In 2018, the service was a finalist in the Patient Experience Network national awards.

The service has seen many technological changes:

  • Publications were received from and sent to staff for approval internally through the post. Now, publications are sent for approval via email and are submitted electronically.
  • Publications were sent to print by writing individual orders and sending paper artwork, floppy discs, CDs to external printers. Now, publications are sent via email with PDFs.
  • A list of available publications was printed annually and distributed across the Trust. Now, an up to date Database of Titles is accessible at any time on NETi.

Publications are now available on NETi and the Trust website (as clinically appropriate). QR codes are used to signpost patients to additional information. A&E has wall art ‘ED Steve’ - patients can scan QR codes on his body to receive electronic publications.

The service has been involved in local and national patient information developments. It has  co-ordinated the amalgamation and addition of publications through the merger of the DRI and DCGH in the 90s, and the recent merger of Derby Hospitals with Burton hospitals. Emma and Helen have lost count of how many design rebrands they have co-ordinated and how many offices they have had!!

The service is in contact with all authors and is represented at the Trust’s Patient Experience Committee. Helen and Emma are very proud that patient information has been integral to the patient journey at the Trust for 25 years and look forward to delivering the service in the future.

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Telephone: 01332 (7)87650

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