"The trust is very inclusive and welcoming" Meet Chris, Pathology Logistics Team Leader and member of the UHDB LGBTQIA+ network | Latest news

"The trust is very inclusive and welcoming" Meet Chris, Pathology Logistics Team Leader and member of the UHDB LGBTQIA+ network

Chris Williams

Can you describe your role at UHDB?

I am the Team Leader of Pathology Stores. We package stock for GP surgeries, remove clinical waste and serve housekeepers. During the first and second wave of covid I was helping every afternoon of my shifts in the Mortuary.

What attracted you to UHDB originally?

I joined the NHS as I originally wanted to get involved in patient transport and/or ambulances but positions for them were hard to acquire. Ever since helping in the Mortuary though I have a great interest in working down there on a regular or permanent basis in the future.

You're part of the LGBTQIA+ Network, what inspired you to get involved?

I have many friends outside of work who have been the victim of abuse or have been too scared to express themselves, so I joined the group with the intention of being able to help people come forward more.

Chris Who is Chris Williams outside of UHDB?

I love watching films and spending time with my Fiancé Anthony. I play football, badminton and Tennis whenever I can, I also enjoy playing on the Xbox. 

Can you describe a typical day?

After battling the A38 traffic I get to work and start clinical waste. We clear the waste from the Pathology lab and pack some GP orders, after doing that we do the Autoclaves and then the remainder of the workday is goods in and out and serving housekeepers. Once I'm home I get showered and changed, Anthony is normally still working from home at this point, I have a brief stint on my Xbox before starting dinner. After then we might go for a walk, watch a film or play on our games, just recently we've been sitting in the garden with some beer, or we will walk to the pub. Get settled into bed ready for the next day.

What would you say to someone who is LGBTQIA+ and thinking about a career at UHDB?

The trust is very inclusive and welcoming so I would defiinitely recommend UHDB to somebody who is LGBTQIA+ and looking for a challenge here.

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