Retiring colleague Di says she has 'loved every minute at UHDB' | Latest news

Retiring colleague Di says she has 'loved every minute at UHDB'

Di Watson has bid farewell to theatres

A Senior Theatre Practitioner who started a career in nursing back in 1980 says she has ‘no regrets’ after spending her working life at UHDB and would “never have wanted to work anywhere else.”

Di Watson is well known at Royal Derby Hospital for her roles throughout the years in gynae theatres. She started as a staff nurse, progressed to Sister and then managed the gynaecology, obstetric and paediatric theatre suites for over 25 years, before stepping down and finishing her career as a Senior Theatre Practitioner.

She first started nursing after being inspired by a friend and loved the job so much she spent her whole working career in the same department and even went back there following a retire and return in 2018. Now she wants to inspire the next generation to start their career at UHDB.

Di said she never set out to be a nurse, but a chat with a friend inspired her to apply and she never looked back.

She said: “After leaving school I was working in my dad’s business.

“My best friend was doing nurse training, her mum was a nurse so it was natural for her to go down that path.

“We went out for a drink and she was talking about what she had been doing and I thought it sounded good and wanted to give it a go.

“I filled out the application form, had an interview and I was accepted as a student nurse. I did three years training and got a weekly salary while training.

“I enjoyed it straight away.”

Di said she had the opportunity to work on different wards and departments but her love was in theatres.

She said: “Theatres was one of my options and I absolutely loved it. I had no hesitation when I qualified that was where I wanted to be.”

And it was in theatres that Di stayed for the next 39 years.

She said: “I always enjoyed the holistic care in theatres.

“We are the patients advocate and I don’t think people realise that. You do have to be vocal and that’s something you learn over the years.

“Some patients arrive in theatre extremely anxious and not knowing what to expect and by the time they get into recovery they can’t say enough good things.

“It’s such a thrill when a patient leaves theatre that you have been able to talk to and support, it makes it so worthwhile.”

Di was so set on theatres as her place of work that when she retired as management, she opted to return to the same department in a lower banding.

She said: “It wasn’t a problem for me. The new person who took over running the department was doing a great job and I went back to doing a scrub role.

“To go back into theatre scrubbing and practical again was the icing on the cake and for me to finish my career doing that was lovely.

“It was always an ambition of mine to see it through and finish in the department I started in.”

Despite a lot changing since Di first started nursing, she herself wouldn’t change a thing about her time at the Trust.

She said: “This hospital is like a family to me and that’s something I am really proud of.

“Over the years I could walk down any corridor in the Trust and see so many people that I have met that will wish me a good morning.

“I would never have wanted to work anywhere else.”

Di said she would always recommend UHDB as a place to work and said there are lots of opportunities to learn, grow and develop at the Trust.

She said: “I have absolutely no regrets over my choice of career and where I have spent my working life.

“One of the best things is that you don’t need specific training to work in the theatres because there is so much support given.

“It’s a brilliant place to work with really high standards and committed staff who are all the while learning from their peers.

“I have learned an awful lot from my colleagues. There are some real gems and I feel passionate about the department and care deeply for the people in it.

“I will miss the people and I will miss the work. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it.”

There are various roles available in theatres such as Theatre Practitioners, HCA’s, Assistant Theatre Practitioner and Operating Department Practitioners.

Last year UHDB ran its first cohort of Apprentice Operating Department Practitioners which   is a great opportunity for people wanting to start their career in theatres.

If you want to join UHDB or find out more about the current opportunities available, you can visit: Current jobs | University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS (

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