UHDB colleagues are the face of Organ Donation campaign at Derbion shopping centre

Heading out shopping this weekend? Look out for some of our UHDB colleagues who are the face of a local Organ Donation campaign at Derbion shopping centre.
Ian Poxon, Clinical Lead for Organ Donation at Queen's Hospital Burton joined Specialist Nurses Sabina Hardman and Helen Hale, appearing on some fantastic artwork to promote Organ Donation for Organ Donation Week (18-24 September).
In the posters, which are displayed on large screens throughout the shopping centre, the team have shared important messaging about the impact of Organ Donation and how to register to become a donor.
The campaign is just one of the ways we have marked the awareness week at UHDB.
You may have seen that the island opposite Royal Derby Hospital is currently displaying an Organ Donation message and on Thursday we shared the story of organ donor Ian Keillor, who helped save the lives of three people after dying at Royal Derby Hospital last year.
You can read his story and find out more about Organ Donation here >