UHDB Covid-Hero Charlotte shines bright at Blackpool Illuminations | Latest news

UHDB Covid-Hero Charlotte shines bright at Blackpool Illuminations

picture of Charlotte in Blackpool

A number of NHS heroes from across the UK are being celebrated at this year’s Blackpool Illuminations.

ISS Cleaner, Charlotte Wells, who works at Royal Derby Hospital, was chosen from hundreds of nominations across the UK to be part of a special display to celebrate the work of 50 NHS, key workers and other outstanding individuals during the coronavirus pandemic.

Charlotte was nominated by her sCharlotteister Lauren who also works for ISS as a cleaner. Lauren said, “I nominated Charlotte because her contracted hours are weekend work only, but throughout the pandemic, she’s been doing lots of overtime every week.

“Blackpool was a family holiday destination every year for us before our dad passed away in 2014 so we have lots of happy memories there.

“Unfortunately, our mother is not in very good health, so after work, Charlotte also has to return home to care for her too.”

When asked about appearing in sparkly lights along the famous Golden Mile, Charlotte said: “When Lauren told me she nominated me for a light in the NHS Blackpool Illuminations display I was shocked but never thought I’d actually be chosen. I’m very happy to have been given this honour and the chance to represent The Royal Derby Hospital and all of our amazing staff.”

Lauren: Charlotte's Sister Charlotte’s Sister, Lauren, who nominated her for the award started working for the Royal Derby Hospital just before the second national lockdown. Lauren said, “I chose to work at the Royal Derby Hospital because Charlotte has worked there for over 6 years and she said it would be a great place to work at.

“I used to work at a bakery so I wanted to try something new. Our dad spent a lot of time in and out of hospital so I wanted to honour him too by working here.”

Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, who helped select the winning nominations for the Corona Heroes section in the Charlotte at Blackpool Illuminations said: “We have all been truly humbled by the volume and nature of the nominations that we received.

“Every single nomination has illustrated the dedication and self-sacrifice that has been made by so many individuals during this pandemic, whether they are NHS staff, care workers, delivery drivers, fund-raisers or others who have put their own lives on hold to support the sick and the vulnerable.

“I only wish that we could include all of the nominations within the Illuminations display because each and every one deserves their place in the limelight.”

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