UHDB goes purple in recognition of #IDPWD to support disabled staff | Latest news

UHDB goes purple in recognition of #IDPWD to support disabled staff

purple light up

Today (Friday 3 December) marks International Day of Persons with Disabilities and in recognition of this, UHDB has joined the global movement to light up the Royal Derby Hospital and Queens Hospital Burton entrances in purple.

As a proud and inclusive employer, the Trust have joined this initiative to shine a light our disabled employees and the issues they face.  

Amanda Rawlings, Chief People Officer, has supported the light up at the Royal Derby Hospital and Queens Hospital Burton to show her commitment and support for our staff and public with disabilities. She said: “Here at UHDB, we pride ourselves on building a diverse and inclusive place to work.

“It is that very reason that we have lit our Royal Derby and Queens Hospital sites today as a mark of respect to show we care about this community, and want I want us to be visible in showing that commitment.”

Together with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team and the ThisAbility and Long-Term Conditions staff network, we will continue our efforts as a Trust to raise the profile of those who are disabled.

Find out more about the ‘purple light up initiative’ (opens in new window) >

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