UHDB Midwife features in Somewhere Over the Rainbow singalong | Latest news

UHDB Midwife features in Somewhere Over the Rainbow singalong

NHS England’s Midwifery Ambassadors have come together virtually to celebrate International Day of the Midwife 2020, #IDM20, as a choir through the medium of music and technology to spread a little hope, sunshine, smiles and happiness during COVID-19 - and a member of #TeamUHDB has featured in the wonderful video!

Denise Austin, Midwife and Holistic Therapist at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital, features in the video, which sees midwives from 32 trusts across the country sing along to 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'.

Denise, who is also a Trust Midwifery Ambassador, said: "It's very exciting to be a part of this video to celebrate the amazing work of midwives on International Day of the Midwife."

The Choir is made up of 32 midwives from all seven regions of the country and represents the diverse workforce we have. The choir includes student midwives, midwives from various ethnic backgrounds, midwives from other parts of the world working in our NHS, male midwives, specialist midwives, midwifery lecturers, front line midwives currently working clinically during the COVID19 Pandemic as well as senior midwives and system leaders.

You can view the full video on YouTube here.

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