UHDB Midwives choose favourite moments working through COVID-19 | Latest news

UHDB Midwives choose favourite moments working through COVID-19

Midwives who have been working through the Coronavirus pandemic at UHDB have chosen some of their favourite memories of recent weeks in an uplifting video to celebrate International Day of the Midwife 2020.

Colleagues from the Derby Birth Centre at Royal Derby Hospital have shared some heartwarming stories of helping to bring babies into the world - with one colleague even sharing her own birthing experience! 

Gemma, one of our midwives, recently gave birth to baby Max, and she said: "Normally as a midwife, I'd love to helping lots of parents deliver their little bundles of joy, but this time, I've been on the receiving end of some wonderful care from all the midwives in the Birth Centre, Labour Ward, PAU and Ward 314.

"You really are such an amazing and truly wonderful team and I can't thank you enough for what you've done for us."

Many more members of the team have shared their touching memories, and you can see them all in the below video.

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