UHDB part of national maternity research study to test babies for 200+ genetic conditions and improve genetic healthcare for future generations

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB) is part of an innovative national long-term research called the Generation study looking at newborn babies' genomes to help improve testing, diagnosis and treatment for genetic conditions.
The study aims to find out how the DNA of newborns can help us find and treat genetic conditions earlier. By taking part, you could find out early about a possible genetic condition in your baby and help give future generations of children a healthier start to life.
UHDB's lead research midwife, Laura Johnson, is working closely with Sam Hussain, our research and inclusion lead, who looks at improving diversity in research trials, to raise awareness of the Generation study across our local population and encourage those expecting babies to take part.
This study is led nationally by Genomics England > owned by the UK Department of Health and Social Care, who are working closely with the NHS to run the study and with a particular focus to include more women from all ethnic minority groups.
Leaflets and more information about the trial is available in 10 different languages, which can be accessed using the QR codes below.
How it works?
If you'd like to be part of this research you can talk to your midwife, a member of our research team at an event or by emailing uhdb.thegenerationstudyrdh@nhs.net. If you consent to being involved, one of our team will process your consent.
A blood sample will be collected shortly after the birth of your baby from the umbilical cord. This will not cause pain.
You will be contacted within a few months with the results - if the team find something, you will be contacted straight away.
Your data is safely stored and used for research by Genomics England. The data stored will include your baby's samples and health data, digital file of their DNA and your antenatal information.
You will be kept up to date about the study over the next 16 years as researchers study this data to learn more about genes and health.
UHDB will be recruiting for this trial over the next few years.
Who can take part?
Pregnant women and birthing people can sign up by speaking to your midwife or by emailing our research team at uhdb.thegenerationstudyrdh@nhs.net and the test happens shortly after the birth of your baby, which involves taking a sample from the placenta.
People from deprived and underserved communities are welcome to sign up - we know that current research doesn't represent all our community groups which means today's healthcare is not always inclusive of these groups - we want to change this by increasing the number of people from underrepresented groups in this study so that the future of genetics health benefits all our communities.
Are you from a Black, Asian or ethnic minority background or part of the LGBT+ community? Maybe you are someone who doesn't have a fixed address or part of the travelling community? We want to hear from people from all backgrounds and walks of life to take part in this life-changing research.
Sign up
Y ou can sign up or enquire by emailing uhdb.thegenerationstudyrdh@nhs.net. You can also express your interest at your next maternity appointment with your midwife.
Additional resources
Visit the Genomics England website to find out more about the study >.
You can find more information in other languages by scanning the QR code below.