UHDB part of NHS Vaccination Programme | Latest news

UHDB part of NHS Vaccination Programme

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UHDB has today been chosen to take part in the vaccination of patients and key workers against coronavirus. There are 50 hubs, of which UHDB is one, in the first wave and more hospitals will start vaccinating over the coming weeks and months as the programme ramps up.

Our staff are working through the weekend to prepare for the launch of the programme with the first vaccinations happening from Tuesday. People aged 80 and over as well as care home workers will be first to receive the jab, along with NHS workers who are at higher risk.

Patients aged 80 and above who are already attending hospital as an outpatient, and those who are being discharged home after a hospital stay, will be among the first to receive the jab.

Any appointments not used for these groups will be used for healthcare workers who are at highest risk of serious illness from covid. All those vaccinated will need a booster jab 21 days later.

When it is the right time people will receive an invitation to come forward. For most people this will be a letter, either from their GP or the national NHS. This letter will include all the information you will need to book appointments, including your NHS number. Please do not contact the NHS to get an appointment until you get this letter.

Vaccination centres treating large numbers of patients in sporting venues and conference centres will subsequently stand up when further supplies of vaccine come on stream. The vaccine is typically delivered by a simple injection in the shoulder but there is a complex and difficult logistical challenge to deliver from the manufacturers Pfizer to patients. It needs to be stored at -70C before being thawed out and can only be moved four times within that cold chain before being used.

Get more information on the coronavirus vaccine (opens in new window) >

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