UHDB staff praised by cleaning sensation Mrs Hinch | Latest news

UHDB staff praised by cleaning sensation Mrs Hinch

Mrs Hinch

Staff on our Medical Assesment Unit reached for the bleach and cloths as they "spring-cleaned" the ward earlier this week.

Christie Thompson, Sister on MAU uploaded a fantastic pic of the team donned in their gloves and aprons with the caption; "A bleach and a spray keeps the germs at bay!"

storyWe pinched the image to upload to our Trust Instagram page. Instagram cleaning star, Mrs Hinch has thanked the team for what they are doing and referred to them on her instagram story as "Real life superwomen" (...a masssive thanks and shoutout to our supermen working across Team UHDB as well!)

Thank you to all of our staff, both clinical and non-clinical, for everything you are doing to help provide exceptional care for our patients. 

If you'd like to share your positive news story with us - email us uhdb.communications@nhs.net insta



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