UHDB statement - TV coverage set to showcase the seriousness of Covid-19 | Latest news

UHDB statement - TV coverage set to showcase the seriousness of Covid-19

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Our hospitals in Derby and Burton now have more inpatients who have tested positive for Covid-19 within 28 days than we had in April/May 2020. To highlight the seriousness of the situation, we allowed a two-person film crew into our hospitals.

In a series of interviews with staff from Intensive Care, the Medical Assessment Unit and from our Trust Board, you’ll hear about the challenges facing frontline staff and the impact on those affected by Covid-19. The footage will be broadcast over the next few days.

If you need emergency care, our services are continuing to operate and are available to you and your family. If you need urgent care, but it's not an emergency, please continue to use NHS111, your GP, your local pharmacist, or a walk-in centre.

Operations and outpatients appointments are still going ahead. We will contact you directly if we need to change your appointment for any reason. We’re doing everything we can to make our hospitals safe if you do need to come to them, and we would ask that you join our staff in maintaining good hand hygiene, keeping a 2m distance where possible and wearing a mask - unless you are unable to.

Visiting is still restricted in many areas. We know this is difficult for many families and some may ask why the media were allowed into the hospital when many families are unable to visit. We felt that it was important for our communities to have the opportunity to see what is happening in their hospitals and to convey the importance of following the latest national guidance to reduce the spread of the virus.

We appreciate your full support over the coming weeks as the effects of Covid-19 continue to be felt.

Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive

Cathy Winfield MBE, Chief Nurse

Dr Magnus Harrison, Executive Medical Director

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