UHDB supporting Show Racism the Red Card 2022 | Latest news

UHDB supporting Show Racism the Red Card 2022

This Friday 21 October 2022, UHDB will be taking part in Show Racism the Red Card's Wear Red Day.

We are urging Trust colleagues across all of our sites to wear red to work on this day, showing our collective support in the ongoing fight against racism in all its forms. 

Whether it's a shirt or tie, a dress, a badge or even socks - we encourage all of #TeamUHDB to take part, no matter how big or small.*

Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) is a leading anti-racism educational charity in the UK, and we are delighted to be working with our EMBRACE Staff Network to support this initiative in its 25th year.

Chief Executive of UHDB, Stephen Posey, supports this campaign, and will himself be taking part in Wear Read Day 2022.

He said: “I am delighted that the Trust is supporting this campaign. As an organisation we are committed to creating a safe place to work and stand against all forms of discrimination, harassment, abuse, and injustice.

"While progress has been made in combatting racial injustice in society over the years, we still have so much further to go - and we continue to work closely with our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team as well as our EMBRACE Staff Network. This month, we've also been supporting EMBRACE and our BME colleagues celebrate Black History Month 2022 through a variety of events, health resources, and information around how we have addressed inequality in our organisation.

“Initiatives such as Wear Red Day are just one small way in which colleagues can show their support for an inclusive and respectful culture, where nobody is judged for their ethnicity or backgrounds.

“Join me and our colleagues in wearing red this Friday 21 October, be proud to stand against racism, and show your support.”

* If you work in a clinical area, please ensure you observe ‘bare below the elbow’, and all clinical guidelines around attire.

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