UHDB’s oldest volunteer celebrates 95th Birthday | Latest news

UHDB’s oldest volunteer celebrates 95th Birthday

Tom Walker

Staff and patients at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton have extended their congratulations to its oldest volunteer who has turned 95.

Tom Walker, age 95 from Burton, has been volunteering at the Queen’s Hospital Burton for over 20 years, first starting out as a volunteer in 2000.

The retired painter and decorator, initially started out as befriender at Geoffrey Hodges, supporting Ward 41, 42 and 43. Tom then moved across to the main site and helped support on Ward 11 which was the care of the elderly ward at the time, again as a befriender.

After a short time at Geoffrey Hodges, he then moved to help both on the Help Desk and at the Main Entrance as a meet and greet volunteer on a Monday and Wednesday. Tom was often the first person that patients, staff and visitors would meet and always offers a friendly and polite welcome to the Hospital.

In 2014, Tom was awarded nationally, with the Pride of Britain Award for Citizen of the Year. He was also awarded locally with a second award in 2014 for the Highly Commended Star Volunteer.

Tom has been able to bring his positive nature and has been able to brush up on his knowledge of the Hospital since starting at the Trust and painted the start of a positive patient experience for many people as soon as they walked through the main doors.

Michelle Summers, Staff Nurse at QHB said: “When I worked in the old Discharge Lounge, Tom used to pop in, say hi, and have a cuppa. He’s a fellow Scot like me. He’s a kind and gentle man and I hope he has a wonderful 95th birthday!”

Tom has always enjoyed his time volunteering and always likes to meet new people and help them when they enter the Hospital.

Tom said: “I am currently having to pause my volunteering role, due to the ongoing pandemic -  I am missing it greatly. I am looking forward to hopefully returning in the near future once the current situation improves. I really do appreciate the communications between myself and Simon, the Voluntary Services Coordinator at QHB, we often exchange emails and phone calls on a weekly basis and he helps to keep me informed.”

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