Updated mask wearing guidance at our hospitals - Tuesday 10 October

In response to a rise in respiratory infections in our communities and in line with regional NHS advice, we have updated our mask wearing guidance to enhance protection for patients, visitors, and colleagues.
From today, Tuesday 10 October, we are asking all patients, visitors, and staff to wear fluid-repellent surgical face masks when attending our Emergency Department and admission units, unless medically exempt. This includes: Emergency Departments, Minor Injuries Units, Medical and Surgical Assessment Areas, Same Day Emergency Care, and the Combined Triage Assessment Unit. Staff will advise you on areas where you need to wear a mask if you are not sure.
Wearing a face mask and regularly washing or sanitising your hands are key ways to prevent the spread of infection, and we appreciate your support in following our guidance to keep our vulnerable patients, visitors and colleagues safe.
Masks are available at dispenser points throughout our hospitals and near all entrances, and sanitiser outlets are located across our hospitals.