Ward 3 at Queen's Hospital Burton re-opens after refurbishment | Latest news

Ward 3 at Queen's Hospital Burton re-opens after refurbishment

Ward 3 team celebrating

Ward 3 at Queen’s Hospital Burton hosted a grand re-opening ceremony this week after a complete refurbishment.

The Short Stay Unit (SSU) has recently undergone a refurbishment, which has seen the ward totally transformed into “a new area”. The unit admits patients whole will be discharged aroudn three days after their admission and treats around 450 patients each month. 

The work involved replacing the ceiling and floor throughout the ward, as well as brightening up patient bays and installing a new, more compact nurses’ station.

The ward was re-opened at an event this week, with staff from neighbouring wards all coming to pay a visit to the new-look SSU.

Pamela Moore, Matron of the Acute Medicine Business Unit for Burton, said: “The ward was looking a bit tired previously. The refurb has involved having completely new ceilings, reflooring the whole area and all of the bays have been given a fresh lick of paint and have individual colour schemes to really brighten the ward up.

“The focal point is our new nurses’ station which is much smaller and more compact than the old one. This has created much more space around our ward to board area, facilitating that quite nicely. It’s a brand new area completely.”

Pamela also took this opportunity to thank those who have been involved in the refit:

“The staff from Ward 4, our neighbouring ward were really supportive and allowed us to use one of their bays, and Anna Ward at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital in Lichfield opened up beds for us, too.

“Particular thanks to Kathy Hallam, the Senior Sister. Without her efforts and campaigning to get this ward refurbished, this wouldn’t have been able to go ahead, so a massive thank you.”

The refurbishment works were managed by Lisa Redfern in Capital Projects, with support from Sally Rushby and the Operation Team to manage patient beds during the works and members of the Estates, Domestic and Portering teams all providing support.

Duncan Bedford, Executive Managing Director for Burton sites, cut the ribbon to declare the ward as officially re-opened, and spoke of his pride in the team:

“From where it was to where it is now, they’ve done an absolutely fantastic job. It’s light, airy, spacious and looks great and that’s testament to the staff who’ve worked through this refurbishment. That’s testament to the staff who have worked through the change.

“I think it’ll bear brilliant fruits to how they provide care going forward.”

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