Watch: Things to consider when attending our hospitals | Latest news

Watch: Things to consider when attending our hospitals

picture of social distancing signage

To help us reduce the spread of Coronavirus, and keep our colleagues, patients and visitors safe, we are asking all visitors to our hospitals to adhere to some key safety measures that we've introduced.

You should wear a face mask or face covering on entering our hospitals and throughout the duration of your visit. The face coverings can be a scarf, homemade face mask, or one that has been purchased. If you forget to bring one, there will be face masks available at the entrances, but it is important these are picked up and put on correctly to avoid contamination. Please see the below video for further guidance.

Exceptions to wearing a face covering are allowed on an individual basis for vulnerable people, people with disabilities, children under 11, and those with certain medical conditions (e.g. asthma).

You should also maintain social distancing measures and stay 2m apart at all times and in all areas of our hospitals. Please also keep left and walk at a steady pace in corridors to help us to maintain social distancing.

Staircases are now one-way, which means some are for going up and others for going down - so please look out for signs and information. Restrictions are also in place in our lifts, which are now limited to only two people per lift. When using the lift, you should stand on the yellow floor markers to maintain social distancing.

Washing or sanitising your hands is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others in our hospitals.

You should wash or sanitise your hands for roughly 20 seconds. If you do not have immediate access to soap and water then use alcohol-based hand rub. Alcohol gel dispensers are by most beds and at the entrances of all wards for patients and visitors to use. It’s good practise to use these as and when you can during your visit.For more information on changes we've made to our hospitals, please see our dedicated page here.

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