Wear Red Day 2021 | Latest news

Wear Red Day 2021

Gavin Boyle in red t-shirt

Today is the 25th anniversary of Wear Red Day, the national anti-racism awareness day. In the NHS you don’t get to choose who cares for you depending on the colour of their skin, the colour of their passport or their accent.

In support of Wear Red Day, Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive at UHDB wore red on our Ask the Exec Session on Friday afternoon.

He said: "I am wearing red as a demonstration to our position to racism. As you know, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity agenda is something that is really close to my heart.

"We know that colleagues from minority ethnic backgrounds do sometimes experience discrimination within our organisation and we are absolutely committed to stamping that out."

Racial abuse will not be tolerated.

We're extremely proud of our diverse workforce who come from all over the world to support our patients across Derbyshire and Staffordshire.

gavin boyle wearing red


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