Wonderful Wendy retires after 42 years in the NHS | Latest news

Wonderful Wendy retires after 42 years in the NHS

Wendy Ingram

Wendy Ingram has today brought the curtain down on her career in the NHS after 42 years of service.

Wendy has spent the last six years working as a Staff Nurse in the Day Case Unit at Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital, caring for Theatre and Endoscopy patients after a year at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital in Lichfield.

Wendy started her NHS journey at Burton General Hospital back in 1978, completing her training and spending eight years there, before moving on to spend two years at Tamworth General Hospital.

The majority of Wendy's career was spent at the George Eliot Hospital in Nuneaton where she worked 25 years.

We wish Wendy all of the best in her retirement and thank her for her wonderful service to UHDB and the NHS!

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