World Mental Health Day 2021 | Latest news

World Mental Health Day 2021

World Mental Health Day

Today (10 October) marks World Mental Health Day – an annual day dedicated to education and awareness around global mental health.

The past 18 months have negatively impacted the mental wellbeing of almost half of all adults in England, with one in three (34%) adults not knowing how to improve their mental wellbeing, as reported by the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).

Here at UHDB we pride ourselves on our commitment to mental health and wellbeing, and offer extensive support as an employer.

We spoke to James Buckley, Head of Wellbeing at UHDB, to understand the importance in seeking support at the Trust. He said: “It has never been more important for us to take care of our emotional wellbeing and to support one another at UHDB, especially after the last 18 months.

“World Mental Health Day is great opportunity for us to recognise the impact of this on our mental health, and get talking about it. One of the most effective interventions to support ourselves psychologically is talking to one another.

“It’s also important to remember that if you’re struggling at the moment, lots of other people are too. This doesn’t mean you are failing and you’re not alone.

“Support is available whether you have been through a difficult period, going through one at present, or might in the future.”

The Trust offer a range of mental health support services, some examples include:

  • Thrive MH apps
  • 24/7 Employee assistance programmes
  • Onsite counselling
  • Therapeutic interventions
  • A range of enhanced peer and colleague led support services that we have launched -

You can access these by contacting: or find out more on wellbeing support at UHDB on Net-I >  

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