UHDB celebrates World Pharmacist Day | Latest news

UHDB celebrates World Pharmacist Day

Today it’s World Pharmacist Day and at UHDB there are more than 300 people within the pharmacy team working hard across our five sites.

Pharmacists at UHDB work within the pharmacy dispensaries and aseptic services as well as on wards and in clinics working directly with patients and clinicians, using their broad knowledge to ensure patients can access their medications and ensure they are being used safely and effectively. 

The dispensary at Royal Derby Hospital has been home to a drug dispensing robot for almost two years, which ensures patients receive their prescriptions faster than ever before, allowing staff to spend more time with patients.

One such pharmacist is Lydia Atia, an Advanced Pharmacist in Trauma and Orthopaedics, who spends her day on wards with patients.

When a patient has planned knee, hip or spinal surgery, she will meet with them before their surgery to review their current medication to ensure a safe and smooth transition after surgery. 

Her review of patient’s medication not only helps keep them pain free, but also ensures any regular medications are safe and are taken at the correct time.

UHDB Pharmacist visiting patient

Lydia said: “I like the fact that it’s proactive. I meet with patients before they have surgery, so when they return the medication is already prescribed. This means any critical medications, such as anti-epileptic or anti-Parkinson medicines are taken at the right time as if they were at home.”

If you are interested in a career in Pharmacy, Lydia had some advice: “It’s quite diverse - there are many different roles you can do so I’m sure you will find something you will enjoy”.

For more information see our UHDB Pharmacy page.

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