Alison Clark: CEO Award

A Royal Derby Hospital theatre staff member has been selected as our next ‘Chief Executive Award’ winner.
Theatre Nurse, Alison Clark, was nominated by her colleagues for identifying that the material used by Steris to wrap our instrument trays is the same material that is used to make the disposable hoods that our staff use in theatre and ICU. (Hoods are not part of standard PPE but are worn by some theatre staff for specific operations.)
Alison coordinated the project to get hoods made, but she also acted as a mentor, supporting our staff and the many volunteers, including the Duffield WI, throughout the journey of designing and making the hoods.
The sewers in the community are creating up to 900 hoods a week for our staff.
Upon receiving the award, Alison said; “I’d like to dedicate this award too all of the people who have helped us make these surgical hoods, we’d all just like to say a great big thank you from everyone at the hospital.”
Gavin Boyle Chief Executive, mentioned the project in his blog, he said, “It was delightful to meet the team behind this. Every day I’m inspired by the ingenuity and creativity of our people under difficult circumstances. But I was also touched by the good humour and could tell the team had also had quite a bit of fun too in making this happen.”
If you know a UHDB member of staff or team who should be recognised for their exceptional work, you can nominate them for a monthly Making a Difference Award by emailing