Exceptional ICU Teams recognised for their Outstanding Contribution to UHDB's fight against Covid-19

The lengths our Intensive Care colleagues have gone to throughout the pandemic to protect our most poorly patients has been absolutely extraordinary – they have all truly made an outstanding contribution.
It was fitting then when our ICU teams at Queen’s Hospital Burton and Royal Derby Hospital won the ‘Outstanding Achievement Award’ at UHDB’s annual Making a Difference Awards, which was held virtually last month.
The teams have responded magnificently to both ICUs coming under unprecedented pressure over the last 18 months, with the Burton unit tripling in size and the Derby unit increasing its capacity fivefold, so that the most poorly patients with and without Covid-19 could be cared for safely.
As much as anything else though, the colleagues working in Intensive Care have shown enormous courage and dedication to care for high numbers of Covid-19 patients; so fully deserved their awards, which were presented to them in person this week.
Joe Eynon, ICU Charge Nurse at QHB, said: “I just think that, from a nursing point of view, I’d like to thank – not just the great team that we’ve got here – but all of the redeployed staff as well because we literally wouldn’t have been able to do what we’ve done without the help of our redeployed colleagues. From Theatres, the Treatment Centre, the wards, and from the community hospitals as well, they’ve all really helped us out, so thank you.”
Kelly Clarke, ICU Sister at RDH, also expressed her thanks to the redeployed colleagues from across UHDB, adding: “I’m phenomenally proud of all of the team, whose care, compassion and teamwork have been amazing to see. The resilience and the teamwork that they’ve all demonstrated over the last 18 months and moving forward has been phenomenal.”
Chief Executive Gavin Boyle was on hand to present the ICU team in Derby with their award, whilst Dr Magnus Harrison, Executive Medical Director and Deputy CEO, paid the QHB unit a visit to hand them their award in person.
Gavin said: “What a real pleasure it has been to have been able to recognise all of the hard work of our ICU colleagues at our virtual Making a Difference Awards. It really would’ve been nice to have been able to do it in person and have a party but it is so important that we’ve been able to recognise everything these teams have done. Just thinking about the 18 months that our Intensive Care colleagues have had, what they’ve done and all the lives they’ve saved, it’s just a phenomenal achievement.”