Grace Woodcock: Patient Hero Award

The fantastic lengths a Royal Derby Hospital Radiographer went to in order to help a patient in need have been recognised with a Making a Difference Award.
Grace Woodcock, Head and Neck Specialist Radiographer, truly went above and beyond what was expected of her when a cancer patient who couldn't speak English was referred for treatment.
Despite the challenges this brought with it, Grace's commitment to her patient wasn't lost in translation, as she took it upon herself to arrange for him to register with a GP and gain an NHS number, so that he could start his treatment.
After he was admitted to hospital, Grace then worked tirelessly to ensure all of the necessary support was put in place - reviewing him on his ward daily, liaising with interpreters and even his Consultant who was overseas in Mexico!
This outstanding care has not gone unrecognised and Grace has this week been presented with a Patient Hero Award, with her nomination, which was received by a member of the public, insisting that "she could not have done more for this gentleman".
Grace said: "I was very surprised when I was told I'd won this award, to be honest! I just feel like what I did was part of my role but it's nice to know that you're helping in some way.
"I love my job, so this award is made even more special because it's based on the feedback of patients."
Grace was presented with her award by Krishna Kallianpur, Acting Chief Nurse, who added: "What you did for this patient really was above and beyond what was asked of you, well done."
If you’d like to put a member of staff forward for a Patient Hero Award for showing kindness, thoughtfulness or compassion towards you, please email: