Team UHDB Award: Derbyshire Pathology

The vital work that has been going on in our laboratory services throughout the Covid-19 pandemic has been recognised with a well-deserved award.
It is fair to say that the last few months have been incredibly challenging for the Derbyshire Pathology team to say the least as they have been tasked with examining thousands of antigen test samples.
The team has literally worked around the clock to ensure swab test results have been turned around as quickly as possible, to help determine whether patients have Covid-19 or not, so that they can then be placed on the correct treatment pathway for them.
As well as setting up the process to do swab testing at Royal Derby Hospital and Chesterfield Royal Hospital, the Derbyshire Pathology team have also worked tirelessly to ensure that antibody testing of Trust staff can be done on site within a small time frame.
With this in mind, Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive, was delighted to this week surprise the team by presenting them with a Team UHDB Making a Difference Award.
He said: “The role that our laboratory services have played, in response to Covid-19, has been absolutely enormous, both in terms of treating patients and providing antigen testing. Derbyshire Pathology have also now taken on antibody testing as well, which is hugely important in our understanding of the disease. Every member of the team has had to change the work they’re doing as part of our response to Covid, so I would like to thank them all for their flexibility and hard work.”
Dr Gerry Van Schalkwyk, Derbyshire Pathology Clinical Director, added: “This award is down to the fantastic efforts of everyone in this team. They’ve all worked so hard – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s incredible to work with a team like this. Thank you so much, you all do such an amazing job.”