Team UHDB Award: PPE Teams

The herculean effort that has gone into ensuring UHDB colleagues working across our five hospitals have received the right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) over the last few months has now been recognised.
More than 4.4 million masks, visors and other items have been distributed across all departments by our superb PPE Teams, in order to protect staff and allow them to carry on caring for patients throughout the Covid-19 outbreak.
It cannot be understated how important the teams – based at Royal Derby Hospital and Queen’s Hospital Burton – have been to the Trust’s response to the pandemic, with colleagues working longer hours to keep up with extra demand and to proactively ensure we had all the stocks needed.
UHDB colleagues have been redeployed from all sorts of different departments to make up the teams, including Audiology, Procurement, Infection Prevention and Control, Strategy and Improvement, Medical Director's Office, Finance and the Library, with the PPE Teams issuing an incredible 155,868 masks in just one day last month!
As recognition for their tireless commitment to the cause throughout Covid-19, in roles that they wouldn’t have been familiar with before, both of the Trust’s PPE Teams have been presented with deserved Team UHDB Making a Difference Awards.
Kevin Downs, Executive Director of Finance and Performance, said: “I was really proud to be able to present this award, as I’ve seen both teams’ amazing work first hand. The work that they’ve done and are still doing has been critical to keeping everyone safe. I don’t think we would’ve been able to do what we’ve done in recent months without the commitment of these teams, so I want to say a big thank you to each of them.”