Team UHDB Award: Samuel Johnson Community Hospital Midwifery Team

Midwifes and Maternity Support Workers who relocated from Samuel Johnson Midwifery Led Unit at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic have been awarded for their hard work, willingness and adapting to the changes that have been made within their team.
In the middle of May, our midwife-led birthing unit at Samuel Johnson Community Hospital, in Lichfield temporarily shut its doors. The decision was made as part of a planned strategy to help the Trust cope with extra pressures and demands being faced as a result of Covid-19.
The temporary closure of the unit allowed staff to be redeployed to our Queen’s Hospital Burton Maternity Wards where they provided an enhanced support to staff there.
Melanie Poley, Midwife, from SJCH said: “It was a real shock at first when we had to move. The move itself has been quite overwhelming but we have always strived to do our best.
“The staff at Burton have been so amazing and patient with us – it is a very different environment to what we are used to back at the Midwifery Led Unit. I’d just like to thank them – we really do admire the fantastic job that they do.”
Duncan Bedford surprised some of the team who were working on Ward 11 at Queen’s Hospital Burton with the award. He said: “I’m so proud of the work you have all done and the changes you have had to make to provide the care for our women and their families. It can’t have been easy, you’ve done an excellent job and I am so thankful to each and every one of you.”
If you know a UHDB member of staff or team who should be recognised for their exceptional work, you can nominate them for a monthly Making a Difference Award by emailing