Team UHDB Award: Theatres teams

The fantastic flexibility and sheer commitment of our UHDB Theatres teams throughout Covid-19 have been recognised with a UHDB award.
Colleagues from across the teams have really gone the extra mile in recent months to support our response to the pandemic by switching their rotas and being redeployed to often more high risk areas, such as Intensive Care.
The last few months have also seen us completely change the way we use theatres, with these areas instead being used to provide some vital additional capacity to treat patients with Covid-19, should the Trust need it.
This played an absolutely integral part of UHDB’s response to coronavirus, as it allowed the Trust to dramatically increase the numbers of mechanically-ventilated beds available, which rose from 22 to 129 across Royal Derby Hospital and Queen’s Hospital Burton.
Our patients have been the ones to benefit from this, so it was only right then that the Theatres teams across our hospitals were both presented with a Team UHDB Making a Difference Award.
Gavin Boyle, Chief Executive, said: “I’ve worked in the NHS for around 30 years and I’ve never seen anything like what we’ve experienced in recent months. This has been a massive challenge for our Theatres teams, who we have asked a lot of.
“It’s been an incredibly tough time for these colleagues, as we have completely changed the way that we use our theatres and have asked them to work in different ways. I have real admiration for them all and want the teams to know how much we appreciate everything that they’ve done for our patients.”