Outstanding UHDB leaders in nursing presented the CNO Silver Award

We are delighted to share the news that two of UHDB’s outstanding leaders, Helen Forrest, Infection Control Lead Nurse, and Gill Ogden, Director of Nursing, have today been awarded the CNO Silver Award.
The Chief Nursing Officer Awards (CNO) are part of a wider commitment to recognising the value of nurses and midwives, with the silver category recognising major contributions made to patients and the profession, for nurses and midwives.
Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for England, surprised both Helen and Gill with their awards during a presentation with a few select team members.
Ruth said of Helen: “We all know how important infection prevention control has been, so Helen, I want to say a very big thank you to you, you played a huge part during the pandemic.
“IPC has been extraordinarily challenging during the pandemic, and you were the person responsible for leading Derbyshire community IPC teams through the past 19 months.
“Not only that, but you’ve scaled up all of the local STP, including 90 nursing homes, as well as primary care coming under your portfolio in addition to the five trust sites.
“You commissioned seven day senior IPC services to support all of your clinical areas and you’ve been a role model for everyone at the trust.
“You are a visible and inspirational leader, committed, loyal and compassionate and you have lead the IPC agenda from the front.
“I would like to say a huge, personal thank you to you Helen, for everything you’ve done.”
When presenting Gill with her award, Ruth said: “Gill has been described as an exceptional clinical leader who has continued to drive forward excellence in patient safety.
“You have demonstrated unparalleled leadership with the vaccination programme and its role out, you have commenced a significant practice improvement project around recruitment of healthcare support workers and I do really appreciate the work you have done so brilliantly.
“You’ve been described by your peers as committed and loyal, throughout your career, courageous and compassionate.
“Being in these nursing leadership roles can be extraordinarily tough, so thank you for doing it with good grace, I appreciate it and value you.”
Ruth signed off the presentation with recognition of all teams and individuals working here at UHDB, from all background and all sectors, highlighting the great way in which we have come together as a team and how we have responded to our patients throughout the pandemic.
Congratulations again to Helen and Gill for your incredible work.