Skin cancer specialist Joanne hailed a 'rock' by grateful patient

A UHDB colleague who helps patients following a skin cancer diagnosis has been hailed a ‘rock’ by one patient who nominated her for a Making a Difference Award.
Joanne Douglas, Skin cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist, helps many skin cancer patients in her role but the compassion she showed to one patient was so exceptional that the patient went on to nominate her as her ‘Patient hero’.
The patient, who wished to remain anonymous, was diagnosed with melanoma in February 2021 which she said was a ‘very scary and traumatic time’ for her and her family.
She was supported by Joanne and had this to say in her nomination: “I'm a member of staff at Royal Derby Hospital which made it even more distressing. Being on the "other side" is horrendous and frightening and I felt so helpless and out of control. Joanne instantly put me at ease we built up a rapport which I believe had a major impact on ensuring my journey ran as smooth as it could do.
“I had some highs but quite a lot of lows during this time. Joanne was always there for me in a professional calming manner constantly offering me support and reassurance through the traumatic and difficult times, also passing on her knowledge and being honest and open with me, which is what I needed. I believe Joanne should be recognised for her constant hard work and commitment in her very challenging role.”
The nomination went on to say “UHDB is lucky to have Joanne.”
It added: “She is a role model and always goes above and beyond to ensure patients are safe, well informed and offered the physical, emotional, and psychological care that cancer patients need whilst also promoting holistic care to the family and significant others.
“Joanne is my rock, and I really don't know what I would've done without her. Thank you for everything Joanne you are an absolute star.”
The touching nomination was read to Joanne by Chief Operating Officer Sharon Martin who presented her with the award.
Sharon said: “Just hearing those lovely words that a patient has taken the time to write is really special and it is important to acknowledge the difference you have made to her journey.
“You don’t do this job to get a thank you but moments like this just make you realise the impact your care has. Thank you for showing such exceptional care, you should be really proud.”
Joanne, who is based in Dermatology at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital and specialist outpatients at Royal Derby Hospital, said she was delighted to get the award.
She said: “I am really surprised but it is really nice to feel appreciated. The nature of this job can sometimes be difficult but just to know I have helped someone when they needed it most makes it so worthwhile. I really love my job and I am proud and happy to know that I am making a difference to my patients.”