Changes to mask guidance in our hospitals from Monday 15 May

We have carefully reviewed our mask wearing guidance and, from Monday 15 May, masks will be a personal choice rather than a mandatory requirement for staff, patients and visitors inside our hospitals.
This updated guidance applies to all areas of the hospitals including clinical and non-clinical spaces. Masks will still be available at all entrances for anyone who choses to wear one.
Garry Marsh, Executive Chief Nurse, said: "After carefully monitoring the levels of respiratory infections in our hospitals and our communities, we have made the decision to ease mask wearing restrictions across our hospitals.
"I would like to thank everyone for their cooperation while restrictions have remained in place for helping to keep our vulnerable patients safe."
If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, or have tested positive for Covid-19, please avoid visiting our hospitals if possible. If you do need to visit, for compassionate reasons for example, please contact the ward / department you wish to visit prior to entering our sites for advice and guidance.
If you are visiting for compassionate reasons and are displaying symptoms, you must wear a mask.
If you are visiting a patient who has a suspected or confirmed respiratory infection, you must wear a mask but will be guided by clinical staff upon arrival.
It is important for all patients and visitors to continue to practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water regularly while visiting our hospitals, as well as following any additional Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guidance provided by our colleagues.