Show your support for Red4Research Day

Friday 16 June is Red4Research Day which aims to get as many people as possible wearing red to demonstrate their support and appreciation for all those participating, undertaking and supporting research.
To celebrate we are shining a spotlight on some of the incredible research highlights we have been involved with at UHDB in the past year.
The last year has been a research record breaker within UHDB, with overall recruitment to all trials exceeding 5,000 patients. The team is delighted to have achieved the highest national recruitment performance in the following four studies:
- Aria – a study into Artificially Intelligent image guidance for endovascular aortic surgery, led at UHDB by Mr Ganesh Kuhan, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, has recruited 92 patients at RDH since opening in September 2022
- PRONTO - a study funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) looking to improve assessment of patients with suspected sepsis in the emergency department - 1,100 participants recruited at UHDB by the team led by Dr Andrew Tabner, Consultant in Emergency Medicine
- DAShED – a study, led at UHDB by Dr Graham Johnson, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, collecting data on patients presenting with possible Acute Aortic Syndrome in the ED, to begin to evaluate the effectiveness of different diagnostic strategies, and how they impact the clinicians' decisions to use CTA scans - 678 participants have been recruited since November 2022.
- HbA1c – In the role of Principal Investigator, Dr Emma Wilmot, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham School of Medicine and Honorary Consultant Diabetologist, UHDB has led a study gathering data to evaluate the relationship between HbA1c and average glucose levels in diabetic patients which has recruited 43 patients in 10 months, against a target of 20.
Grant successes
- Dr Shalini Ojha, UHDB Consultant Neonatologist, has secured two major grants, both sponsored by UHDB. Her FEED1 study, within NICU, is a randomised controlled trial of full milk feeds versus intravenous nutrition (Fluids Exclusively Enteral from Day 1). Funding of £1,627,385 has been secured from National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA).
- Dr Ojha’s EMNODN-NEC (East Midlands Neonatal Operational Delivery Network – NEC) has secured funding of £241,665 from NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB). Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a life-threatening gut disease in babies born early. The study is looking into the effects of a care bundle on rates of necrotising enterocolitis and own mother’s milk feeding in the East Midlands.
- Hand Therapy Extended Scope Practitioner, Emma Bamford has secured funding of £1,118,403 for her FIRST – Flexor Injury Randomised Splint Trial within trauma and orthopaedics. UHDB is the sponsor, and NIHR (HTA) is the funder.
- Associate Professor Amit Goyal, UHDB’s Clinical Lead and Assistant Clinical Director of Breast Surgery, has secured £2,998,853.43 funding from NIHR HTA, sponsored by UHDB, for his ATNEC trial looking into axillary management in breast cancer patients.
- Professor Nick Selby, Professor of Nephrology at UHDB School of Medicine and University of Nottingham, has secured funding of £1,886,254 from NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) for his AFiRM renal study looking into application of multiparametric functional MRI to improve understanding of chronic kidney disease. UHDB is the sponsor.
- Professor Fran Game, Consultant Diabetologist and UHDB Clinical Director of Research and Development has secured funding of £2,624,206 from NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) for the REDUCE study which tests whether diabetic patients can be ulcer-free for longer. UHDB is the sponsor.
Thank you to all those who continue to lead the way with innovative research, to help make UHDB the best place to work and receive care.